·TCCT动态  ·大会报告  ·专题研讨会  ·CCC 奖项  ·学术研究 ·消息发布  ·期刊天地










 Expansion of Predictive Control Applications - Status and Considerations by Yugeng Xi, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China;

 State-space Approaches vs Fully Actuated System Approaches by Guangren Duan, Harbin Institute of Technology, China;

 Fundamental Problems and Recent Progresses of Quantized Systems: From Parameter Identification to Adaptive Control by Ji-Feng Zhang, Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science, CAS;

 Service Robot Technology by Hajime Asama, The University of Tokyo, Japan;

 Approximate Dynamic Programming and Performance Guarantees by Edwin Chong, Colorado State University, USA;

 Intelligent Manufacturing Robot: Technology Application and Development Trend by Yaonan Wang , Hunan University, China;

 Recent Advances in Distributed Event-Triggered Communication and Coordinated Control of Multi-Agent Systems by Qing-Long Han, Swinburne University of Technology, Australia.


 Women in Control organized by Prof. Ben M. Chen, Chinese University of Hong Kong and Prof. Yiguang Hong, Tongji University, China;

 Intelligent Systems and Control organized by Prof. Min Wu, China University of Geosciences, China.

 CCC 奖项

1 第27届关肇直奖获奖论文

    1. Global Identifiability of NDSs with Specific Connections by Kailin Yin (Tsinghua University, China); Tong Zhou

    2. Distributed No-Regret Learning for Stochastic Aggregative Games over Networks by Jinlong Lei (Tongji University, China); Peng Yi; Li Li

1 第15届《中国科学》-中国控制会议张贴论文奖获奖论文

    1. Enhanced Gaussian Process Regression for Active Learning Model-based Predictive Control by Rui Ren (Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China), Shaoyuan Li

    2. Distributed Control for Bounded Time-Varying Power Sharing of Grid-Connected DDG Cluster by Yutong Sun (Fuzhou University, China), Youfeng Su, He Cai

1 IEEE CSS Beijing Chapter 青年作者奖获奖论文

    Semi-global Leader-following output consensus of discrete-time heterogeneous linear systems with position and rate-limited actuators via state feedback by Panpan Zhou (Chinese University of Hong kong, China); Ben M. Chen

1 中国控制会议组织奖

  为了表彰承办单位为组织中国控制会议做出的重要贡献,TCCT 决定设立“中国控制会议组 织奖”。上海大学在本次会议期间组织了 300 余名教师和学生志愿者,这些教师和学生用他们 的一腔热情,为参会代表提供及时周到的服务,在台风、暴雨、疫情等困难情况下保证了会议 各项工作的顺利进行,赢得了参会代表的认可和肯定。经讨论,决定授予上海大学“第 40 届 中国控制会议最佳组织奖”,授予上海大学费敏锐教授“第 40 届中国控制会议杰出组织贡献 奖”,授予上海大学表现突出的教师“第 40 届中国控制会议优秀志愿者组织教师奖”,授予 表现突出的学生“第 40 届中国控制会议优秀志愿者”荣誉称号。

 CCC 照片



书 名:Developments in Advanced Control and Intelligent Automation for Complex Systems
作 者:Min Wu, Witold Pedrycz, Luefeng Chen
  This book discusses the developments in the advanced control and intelligent automation for complex systems completed over the last two decades, including the progress in advanced control theory and method, intelligent control and decision-making of complex metallurgical processes, intelligent systems and machine learning, intelligent robot systems design and control, and prediction and control technology for renewable energy. With the depth and breadth of coverage of this book, it serves as a useful reference for engineers in the field of advanced control and intelligent automation, and graduate students interested in advanced control theory and computational intelligence as well as their applications to the complex industrial processes......更多信息>>>


  1. 自动化学会:关于启动“中国自动化学会企业创新奖”、“杰出自动化工程师奖” 、“中国自动化学会小微创业奖” 及“智慧系统创新解决方案奖”评选活动填报的通知
  中国自动化学会于2021年7月15日正式启动“中国自动化学会企业创新奖”、“杰出自动化工程师奖” 、“中国自动化学会小微创业奖” 及“智慧系统创新解决方案奖”评选活动......更多信息>>>
  2. 自动化学会:关于2021年度CAA科普奖申报工作的通知
 编 委 会 
曹洪武 董海荣 关新平
洪奕光 姜钟平 刘志新
卢 焱 齐洪胜 曲 莹
任艳青 宋 扉 吴 敏
徐 春 赵延龙  

2021年第7期 目录>>>

Control Theory and Technology
2021年第2期 目录>>>

2021年第7期 目录>>>

2021年第8期 目录>>>

Unmanned Systems
2021年第4期 目录>>>
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