·TCCT动态  ·CCC进展  ·学术研究  ·控制学人 ·消息发布  ·期刊天地
  • 第37届中国控制会议(CCC 2018)筹备会议在北京召开
      为做好CCC2018的筹备、组织工作,于2016年11月1日在中科院数学与系统科学研究院召开了CCC2018筹备会议。第37届中国控制会议(CCC 2018)将于 2018年7月25-27日在湖北武汉举行,会议由中国自动化学会控制理论专业委员会(TCCT)和中国系统工程学会主办,中国地质大学(武汉)承办...... 更多信息>>>
  • 第一届《中国科学》控制科学热点问题研讨会在北京举行
      第一届《中国科学》控制科学热点问题研讨会于10月14日在中科院数学与系统科学研究院南楼204会议室举行。会议由《中国科学:信息科学》编辑部和中国自动化学会控制理论专业委员会主办,中科院数学与系统科学研究院承办...... 更多信息>>>
  • 专委会委员王大轶研究员荣获何梁何利科学与技术创新奖
      何梁何利基金2016年度颁奖大会10月21日在京举行。中共中央政治局委员、国务院副总理刘延东同志发来贺信,肯定了何梁何利基金20多年来为推动科技进步、弘扬创新精神作出的贡献...... 获奖名单
  •  CCC进展

      第36届中国控制会议将于2017年7月26-28日在大连举办。截至目前,会议大会报告人已确定,分别是瑞典隆德大学Karl Johan Åström 院士、东北大学柴天佑院士、香港城市大学陈杰教授、比利时鲁汶大学Denis Dochain 教授、美国耶鲁大学A. Stephen Morse 院士、南非比勒陀利亚大学夏小华教授和西安交通大学徐宗本院士。我们热忱欢迎海内外广大同仁踊跃投稿、参会,共同交流学术成果......更多信息>>>


    英文书名:Dynamics and Control of Mechanical Systems in Offshore Engineering
    作  者:W. He, S.S. Ge, B.V.E. How, and Y.S. Choo
      "Dynamics and Control of Mechanical Systems in Offshore Engineering" is a comprehensive treatment of marine mechanical systems (MMS) involved in processes of great importance such as oil drilling and mineral recovery. Ranging from nonlinear dynamic modeling and stability analysis of flexible riser systems, through advanced control design for an installation system with a single rigid payload attached by thrusters, to robust adaptive control for mooring systems, it is an authoritative reference on the dynamics and control of MMS......更多信息>>>

     控制学人——CCC 2017 Plenary Speakers

      Karl Johan Åström is Senior Professor at Lund University. He has has broad interests of theory and applications of control, currently his research is focused on modeling, event based control and relay tuning. Åström received an MS in Engineering Physics in 1957 and a TeknL in 1960 from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm (KTH). After graduating he worked for the IBM Nordic Laboratory in Stockholm and the IBM Research Laboratories in Yorktown Heights and San Jose........更多信息>>>

      Tianyou Chai received the Ph.D. degree in control theory and engineeringin 1985 from Northeastern University, Shenyang, China, where he became a Professor in 1988. He is the founder and Director of the Center of Automation, which became a National Engineeringand Technology Research Center and a State Key Laboratory. He is a member of Chinese Academy of Engineering, IFAC Fellow and IEEE Fellow, director of Department of Information Science of National Natural Science Foundation of China........更多信息>>>

      Jie Chen is a Chair Professor in the Department of Electronic Engineering, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China. He received the B.S. degree in aerospace engineering from Northwestern Polytechnic University, Xi’an, China in 1982, the M.S.E. degree in electrical engineering, the M.A. degree in mathematics, and the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering, all from The University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan, in 1985, 1987, and 1990, respectively........更多信息>>>

      Denis Dochain received his degree in Electrical engineering in 1982 from the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium. He completed his Ph.D. thesis and a « thèse d’agrégation de l’enseignement supérieur » in 1986 and 1994, respectively, also at the Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium. He has been CNRS associate researcher at the LAAS (Toulouse, France) in 1989, and Professor at the Ecole Polytechnique de Montréal, Canada in 1987-88 and 1990-92 ......更多信息>>>

      A. Stephen Morse was born in Mt. Vernon, New York. He received a BSEE degree from Cornell University, MS degree from the University of Arizona, and a Ph.D. degree from Purdue University. He was associated with the Office of Control Theory and Application {OCTA} at the NASA Electronics Research Center in Cambridge, Mass. Since 1970 he has been with Yale University where he is presently the Dudley Professor of Engineering........更多信息>>>

      Xiaohua Xia obtained his PhD degree at Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Beijing, China, in 1989. He stayed at the University of Stuttgart, Germany, as an Alexander von Humboldt fellow in May 1994 and for two years, followed by two short visits to Ecole Centrale de Nantes, France and National University of Singapore during 1996 and 1997, respectively, both as a post-doctoral fellow. He joined the University of Pretoria, South Africa, since 1998, and became a full professor in 2000......更多信息>>>

      Zong-Ben Xu received his PhD degree in Mathematics in 1987 from Xi`an Jiaotong University, China. In 1998, he was a postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Mathematics, The University of Strathclyde. He worked as a Research Fellow in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering from 1992 to 1994, and 1996 to 1997, at The Chinese University of Hong Kong; a visiting professor in the University of Essex in 2001, and Napoli University in 2002.......更多信息>>>


    1. 第一届中国非线性系统与控制研讨会在北京举行 

      第一届非线性系统与控制学术研讨会“2016 TCCT Workshop on Nonlinear System and Control”于10月21-23日在北京香山商旅酒店举行。会议由中国自动化学会控制理论专业委员会(TCCT)非线性控制学组、中国科学院数学与系统科学研究院、IEEE CSS Beijing Chapter共同主办.....更多信息>>>

    2. 13th IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering 

      13th IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering 将于2017年8月20-23日在西安举行.....更多信息>>>

     编 委 会 
    曹洪武 陈 杰 董海荣
    段广仁 姜钟平 李少远
    卢 炎 齐洪胜 曲 莹
    任艳青 宋 扉 徐 春
    张纪峰 赵延龙  

    Journal of Systems Science and Complexity
    2016年 第5期 目录>>>

    2016年第9期 目录>>>
    2016年第8期 目录>>>

    2016年第10期 目录>>>
    2016年第11期 目录>>>
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