书 名:Control and Filtering for Semi-Markovian Jump Systems 作 者:Fanbiao Li, Peng Shi, Ligang Wu 图书简介:
This book presents up-to-date research developments and novel methodologies on semi-Markovian jump systems (S-MJS). It presents solutions to a series of problems with new approaches for the control and filtering of S-MJS, including stability analysis, sliding mode control, dynamic output feedback control, robust filter design, and fault detection. A set of newly developed techniques such as piecewise analysis method, positively invariant set approach, event-triggered method, and cone complementary linearization approaches are presented. Control and Filtering for Semi-Markovian Jump Systems is a comprehensive reference for researcher and practitioners working in control engineering, system sciences and applied mathematics, and is also a useful source of information for senior undergraduates and graduates in these areas......更多信息>>>
王震 教授
西北工业大学教授,网络空间安全学院书记,国家保密学院常务副院长,Elected members of Academia Europaea (EA),European Academy of Sciences and Arts (EASA),AAIA Fellow, 全球高被引科学家,国家杰青,国防创新团队负责人。
围绕人工智能、智能无人系统、网络空间智能对抗,在Nature Communications,PNAS,Science Advances,Physical Review Letters,IEEE TAC, IEEE TPAMI,IEEE TNNLS, IEEE CYB, IEEE TKDE, IEEE TIE, IEEE TII, IJCAI,AAAI,NeurIPs,ICML,ICLR,WWW等发表系列成果,编制完成行业技术标准5项......更多信息>>>