
丛 书 名:Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences
书  名:Adaptive Backstepping Control of Uncertain Systems: Nonsmooth Nonlinearities, Interactions or Time-Variations
作  者:Jing Zhou, Changyun Wen
出 版 社:Springer
语  种:英文
I S B N:978-3-540-77806-6
页  数:258


  This book employs the powerful and popular adaptive backstepping control technology to design controllers for dynamic uncertain systems with non-smooth nonlinearities. Various cases including systems with time-varying parameters, multi-inputs and multi-outputs, backlash, dead-zone, hysteresis and saturation are considered in design and analysis. For multi-inputs and multi-outputs systems, both centralized and decentralized controls are addressed. This book not only presents recent research results including theoretical success and practical development such as the proof of system stability and the improvement of system tracking and transient performance, but also gives self-contained coverage of fundamentals on the backstepping approach illustrated with simple examples. Detail description of methodologies for the construction of adaptive laws, feedback control laws and associated Lyapunov functions is systematically provided in each case. Approaches used for the analysis of system stability and tracking and transient performances are elaborated. Two case studies are presented to show how the presented theories are applied.

1 Introduction
  1.1 Motivation
  1.2 Objectives
  1.3 Preview of Chapters
Part I Adaptive Backstepping Control Design
2 Adaptive Backstepping Control
  2.1 Backstepping
    2.1.1 Integrator Backstepping
    2.1.2 Adaptive Backstepping
    2.1.3 Adaptive Backstepping with Tuning Functions
  2.2 State Feedback Control
  2.3 Output Feedback Control
    2.3.1 State Estimation Filters
    2.3.2 Design Procedure and Stability Analysis
3 Adaptive Control of Time-Varying Nonlinear Systems
  3.1 Background
  3.2 System Model and Problem Formulation
    3.2.1 Problem Formulation
    3.2.2 Preliminary Result
  3.3 State Estimation Filters
  3.4 Control Design
    3.4.1 Design Procedure
    3.4.2 Stability Analysis
  3.5 An Illustrative Example
  3.6 Summary
4 Multivariable Adaptive Control
  4.1 Introduction
  4.2 Problem Formulation
  4.3 Preliminary Results
  4.4 Backstepping Design with SDU Factorization
  4.5 Simulation Studies
  4.6 Summary
5 Decentralized Stabilization of Interconnected Systems
  5.1 Introduction
  5.2 Problem Formulation
  5.3 Local State Estimation Filters
  5.4 Design of Adaptive Controllers
  5.5 Stability Analysis
  5.6 An Illustrative Example
  5.7 Conclusion
Part II Nonsmooth Nonlinearities
6 Nonsmooth Nonlinearities
  6.1 Backlash
    6.1.1 Valve Control Mechanism
    6.1.2 Positioning System
    6.1.3 Piezoelectric Actuator
  6.2 Dead-Zone
    6.2.1 Upper-Limb Model
    6.2.2 Ultrasonic Motor
    6.2.3 Servo-Valve
  6.3 Saturation
    6.3.1 Active Micro-gravity Isolation System
    6.3.2 Power Supply
    6.3.3 Flight Control with Saturating Actuator
  6.4 Hysteresis
    6.4.1 Magnetic Suspension with Hysteresis
    6.4.2 Hysteresis Motor
    6.4.3 Hysteresis in Brakes
7 Backstepping Control of Systems with Backlash Nonlinearity
  7.1 Introduction
  7.2 State Feedback Control
    7.2.1 Problem Formulation
    7.2.2 Backstepping Design and Stability Analysis
    7.2.3 An Illustrative Example
  7.3 Output Feedback Control
    7.3.1 Plant Model
    7.3.2 State Estimation Filters
    7.3.3 Design of Adaptive Controllers
    7.3.4 Extension to Nonlinear Systems
    7.3.5 Simulation Studies
  7.4 Summary
8 Inverse Control of Systems with Backlash Nonlinearity
  8.1 Introduction
  8.2 Problem Statement
    8.2.1 System Model
    8.2.2 Backlash Characteristic
  8.3 State Estimation Filters
  8.4 Design of Adaptive Controllers
  8.5 Simulation Study
  8.6 Conclusion
9 Stabilization of Interconnected Systems with BacklashNonlinearity
  9.1 Introduction
  9.2 Problem Formulation
  9.3 Local State Estimation Filters
  9.4 Design of Adaptive Controllers
    9.4.1 Control Scheme I
    9.4.2 Control Scheme II
  9.5 Stability Analysis
    9.5.1 Control Scheme I
    9.5.2 Control Scheme II
  9.6 An Illustrative Example
  9.7 Conclusion
10 Adaptive Control of Nonlinear Systems with Dead-ZoneNonlinearity
  10.1 Introduction
  10.2 State Feedback Backstepping Control
    10.2.1 Problem Statement
    10.2.2 Controller Design
  10.3 Output Feedback Control Using Backstepping and Inverse Technique
    10.3.1 System Model
    10.3.2 Dead-Zone Characteristic
    10.3.3 State Observer
    10.3.4 Backstepping Design with Dead-Zone Inverse Design Procedure
    10.3.5 Stability Analysis
  10.4 Illustrative Examples
    10.4.1 Example 1: State Feedback Backstepping Control
    10.4.2 Example 2: Output Feedback Inverse Control
    10.4.3 Example 3: Application to Servo-Valve
  10.5 Summary
11 Adaptive Control of Systems with Input Saturation
  11.1 Introduction
  11.2 System Description and Problem Statement
  11.3 Design of Adaptive Controllers
  11.4 Simulation Study
  11.5 Conclusion
12 Control of a Hysteretic Structural System in Base
Isolation Scheme
  12.1 Introduction
  12.2 Problem Formulation
  12.3 Control Design and Main Results
    12.3.1 Control Scheme I
    12.3.2 Control Scheme II
  12.4 Simulation Results
  12.5 Summary
13 Control of a Piezo-Positioning Mechanism with Hysteresis
  13.1 Introduction
  13.2 System Description
  13.3 Backstepping Control and Stability Analysis
  13.4 Simulation Results
  13.5 Conclusion

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