
书  名: Filtering and Control of Stochastic Jump HybridSystems
作  者:Xiuming Yao,Ligang Wu,Wei Xing Zheng
出 版 社:Springer International Publishing
语  种:英语
I S B N:978-3319319148
页  数:212


  This book presents recent research work on stochastic jump hybrid systems. Specifically, the considered stochastic jump hybrid systems include Markovian jump Ito stochastic systems, Markovian jump linear-parameter-varying (LPV) systems, Markovian jump singular systems, Markovian jump two-dimensional (2-D) systems, and Markovian jump repeated scalar nonlinear systems. Some sufficient conditions are first established respectively for the stability and performances of those kinds of stochastic jump hybrid systems in terms of solution of linear matrix inequalities (LMIs). Based on the derived analysis conditions, the filtering and control problems are addressed.
  The book presents up-to-date research developments and novel methodologies on stochastic jump hybrid systems. The contents can be divided into two parts: the first part is focused on robust filter design problem, while the second part is put the emphasis on robust control problem. These methodologies provide a framework for stability and performance analysis, robust controller design, and robust filter design for the considered systems. Solutions to the design problems are presented in terms of LMIs.
  The book is a timely reflection of the developing area of filtering and control theories for Markovian jump hybrid systems with various kinds of imperfect information. It is a collection of a series of latest research results and therefore serves as a useful textbook for senior and/or graduate students who are interested in knowing 1) the state-of-the-art of linear filtering and control areas, and 2) recent advances in stochastic jump hybrid systems. The readers will also benefit from some new concepts, new models and new methodologies with practical significance in control engineering and signal processing.

1 Introduction

  1.1 Analysis and Design of MJLs: An Overview
  1.2 Stochastic Jump Hybrid Systems
  1.3 Publication Outline
Part I Robust Filtering
2 Robust Filtering of Markovian Jump Stochastic Systems

  2.1 Introduction
  2.2 System Description and Preliminaries
  2.3 Main Results.
    2.3.1 Filtering Analysis
    2.3.2 Filter Design
  2.4 Illustrative Example
  2.5 Conclusion
3 Quantized Filtering of Markovian Jump LPV Systems
  3.1 Introduction
  3.2 Problem Formulation and Preliminaries
  3.3 Main Results
    3.3.1 Filtering Analysis
    3.3.2 Quantized Filter Design
  3.4 Illustrative Example
  3.5 Conclusion
4 Fault Detection Filter Design for Markovian Jump SingularSystems
  4.1 Introduction
  4.2 Problem Formulation and Preliminaries
  4.3 Main Results
    4.3.1 Admissibility Analysis
    4.3.2 Filter Analysis
    4.3.3 Filter Design
  4.4 Illustrative Example
  4.5 Conclusion
5 Filtering of Markovian Jump 2-D Systems
  5.1 Introduction
  5.2 Problem Formulation and Preliminaries
  5.3 Main Results
    5.3.1 Filtering Analysis
    5.3.2 Filter Design
  5.4 Further Extensions
    5.4.1 Norm-Bounded Uncertainties Case
    5.4.2 Polytopic Uncertainties Case
  5.5 Illustrative Example
  5.6 Conclusion
6 Filtering of Markovian Jump Repeated ScalarNonlinear Systems
  6.1 Introduction
  6.2 System Description and Preliminaries
  6.3 Main Results
  6.4 Illustrative Example
  6.5 Conclusion
Part II Robust Control
7 Composite Anti-disturbance Control of Markovian JumpSystems

  7.1 Introduction
  7.2 Problem Statement and Preliminaries
  7.3 Controller Design
    7.3.1 Known Nonlinearity Case
    7.3.2 Unknown Nonlinearity Case
  7.4 Numerical Example
  7.5 Conclusion
8 Disturbance Attenuation and Rejection for Discrete-TimeMarkovian Jump Systems
  8.1 Introduction
  8.2 Problem Formulation and Preliminaries
  8.3 Main Results
  8.4 Illustrative Example
  8.5 Conclusion
9 Passivity Analysis and Passification of MarkovianJump Systems
  9.1 Introduction
  9.2 Problem Formulation and Preliminaries
  9.3 Main Results
    9.3.1 Passivity Analysis
    9.3.2 Passification
  9.4 Illustrative Example
  9.5 Conclusion
10 Output Feedback Control of Markovian Jump Systemswith Multiple Disturbances
  10.1 Introduction
  10.2 Problem Formulation and Preliminaries
  10.3 Main Results
    10.3.1 Passivity Analysis
    10.3.2 Passification
  10.4 Illustrative Example
  10.5 Conclusion
11 Robust H 1 Control of Nonlinear Markovian Jump SingularSystems
  11.1 Introduction
  11.2 Problem Formulation and Preliminaries
  11.3 Main Results
  11.4 Illustrative Example
  11.5 Conclusion
12 Output Feedback Control of Markovian Jump Repeated ScalarNonlinear Systems
  12.1 Introduction
  12.2 Problem Formulation and Preliminaries
  12.3 Main Results
  12.4 Illustrative Example
  12.5 Conclusion
13 Conclusion and Further Work
  13.1 Conclusion
  13.2 Further Work

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