
书  名:Analysis and Synthesis of Networked Control Systems
作  者:Yuanqing Xia, Mengyin Fu, Guo-Ping Liu
出 版 社:Springer
语  种:英文
I S B N:9783642179242
页  数:200


  Analysis and Synthesis of Networked Control Systems focuses on essential aspects of this field, including quantization over networks, data fusion over networks, predictive control over networks and fault detection over networks. The networked control systems have led to a complete new range of real-world applications. In recent years, the techniques of Internet of Things are developed rapidly, the research of networked control systems plays a key role in Internet of Things. The book is self-contained, providing sufficient mathematical foundations for understanding the contents of each chapter. It will be of significant interest to scientists and engineers engaged in the field of Networked Control Systems.

Front Matter
1 Introduction
  1.1 Background
  1.2 Internet of Things
    1.2.1 The Origin of Internet of Things
    1.2.2 The Definition of Internet of Things
    1.2.3 The Meaning of Internet of Things
  1.3 Main Issues
  1.4 Methods
  1.5 Problems Studied in This Book
    1.5.1 Quantization over Networks
    1.5.2 Data Fusion over Networks
    1.5.3 Predictive Control over Networks
    1.5.4 Fault Detection over Networks
  1.6 Summary
Part I: Quantization over Networks
2 Stability Analysis of Quantized Systems over Networks
  2.1 Introduction
  2.2 State Estimation Based on Kalman Filter
  2.3 Quantization Strategy
  2.4 Stability Analysis
  2.5 Numerical Example
  2.6 Summary
3 Stabilization of Quantized Systems with Packet Dropout
  3.1 Introduction
  3.2 Quantizer
  3.3 Problem Formulation
  3.4 Main Results
  3.5 Numerical Example
  3.6 Summary
4 Stabilization of Systems with Quantized Feedback and Measurements
  4.1 Introduction
  4.2 QIQM System Description
  4.3 Stability of QIQM System
    4.3.1 Construction of an Equivalent System and a Multiplier
    4.3.2 Well-Defined Multiplier
    4.3.3 Nonnegativity of Multiplier
    4.3.4 Boundedness of Multiplier
    4.3.5 Expression of Multiplier
    4.3.6 A Useful Lemma
    4.3.7 Stability Theorem for QIQM Systems
  4.4 Numerical Example
  4.5 Summary
Part II: Data Fusion over Networks
5 Data Fusion over Networks with Measurement Delay
  5.1 Introduction
  5.2 Description of Multi-sensors
  5.3 A Centralized Fusion Method of Multi-channel Estimation with Measurement Delay
  5.4 A Distributed Fusion Method of Multi- channel with Measurement Delay
  5.5 Numerical Examples
    5.5.1 A Centralized Example
    5.5.2 A Distributed Example
  5.6 Summary
6 Networks Data Fusion with the Asynchronous Observations at Multiple Rates
  6.1 Introduction
  6.2 Description of Multi-sensors with Different Sampling Rates
  6.3 The Date Fusion State Estimation Algorithm
  6.4 Simulations
  6.5 Summary
Part III: Predictive Control over Networks
7 Networked Predictive Control Systems with Data Dropout
  7.1 Introduction
  7.2 Networked Predictive Control for Systems
  7.3 Previous Work for Networked Control Systems
    7.3.1 Another Networked Predictive Control Based on State Observer
    7.3.2 Zero Control and Zero-Order Hold Control
  7.4 Digital Control Design of Furuta Pendulum
    7.4.1 Furuta Pendulum Model
    7.4.2 Random Network Data Dropout Model
    7.4.3 Structure of Controller
  7.5 Simulation Results
    7.5.1 Track a Square-Wave Signal without Network and Noise
    7.5.2 Track a Square-Wave Signal with Network without Noise
    7.5.3 Track a Square-Ware Signal with Network and Noise
  7.6 Summary
8 Networked Control of Systems with Predictive Compensator
  8.1 Introduction
  8.2 Networked Predictive Control for Systems
    8.2.1 System Model
    8.2.2 Network Delay and Data Dropout
    8.2.3 The Predictive Control Scheme to Compensate for Time Delay and Data Dropout in the Forward Channel
    8.2.4 The Optimal Estimation Method to Compensate for Time Delay and Data Dropout in the Feedback Channel
  8.3 Choose Model of System Structure
    8.3.1 Inverted Pendulum Model
    8.3.2 Random Network Time Delay Model
  8.4 Simulation Results
    8.4.1 Control the Inverted Pendulum without Network
    8.4.2 Control the Inverted Pendulum through Network without Compensation of the Time Delay and Data Dropout
    8.4.3 Predictive Control Scheme and Optimal Estimation Method for NCSs
  8.5 Summary
Part IV: Fault Detection over Networks
9 Robust Fault Detection of Systems over Networks with Packet Loss
  9.1 Introduction
  9.2 Description of Fault Detection over Networks
  9.3 Observer Based Residual Generation and Evaluation
    9.3.1 FDF Stability Analysis with Packet Loss
    9.3.2 Robust Design of FDF
    9.3.3 Sensitivity Constraint of FDF
  9.4 Fault Detection Algorithm Design
  9.5 Numerical Example and Simulations
  9.6 Summary
10 Fault Detection over Networks Subject to Delay and Clock Asynchronism
  10.1 Introduction
  10.2 Networked Predictive Control for System with Network Delay
  10.3 Stability Analysis of Closed-Loop Systems
  10.4 Fault Detection and Identification Based on Likelihood Ratios
  10.5 GLR with Intermittent Observations
  10.6 Numerical Simulation
  10.7 Discussion
  10.8 Summary

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