CCC2016 Plenary Speakers

  Guanrong Chen has been a Chair Professor and the Director of the Centre for Chaos and Complex Networks at City University of Hong Kong since 2000, prior to that he was a tenured Full Professor at the University of Houston, Texas, USA. He was elected IEEE Fellow in 1997 and received the 2011 Euler Gold Medal from Russia and the State Natural Science Awards of China in 2008 and 2012, respectively. In addition, he was conferred Honorary Doctor Degrees by the Saint Petersburg State University, Russia in 2011 and by the University of Normandy, France in 2014. Furthermore, he was elected a Member of the Academy of Europe in 2014. According to Thomson Reuters, he is a Highly Cited Researcher in Engineering (2009) and in Physics (2014) as well as in Mathematics (2015).


  Hong Chen received the B.S. and M.S. degrees in process control from Zhejiang University, China, in 1983 and 1986, respectively. In 1997, she received the Ph.D. degree “mit Auszeichnung bestanden” in system dynamics and control engineering from the University of Stuttgart, Germany. Since 1999 she has been a Professor with Jilin University, China, where she is currently a Tang Ao'qing Professor. Among others she was awarded the Natural Science Award of the Ministry of Education China in 2006 and the Distinguished Young Scholars of the National Science Fund China in 2007 for her contributions in model predictive control. Her current research interests include model predictive control, nonlinear control and applications in mechatronic systems focusing on automotive systems. Since May 2015, she has been serving as Director of the State Key Laboratory of Automotive Simulation and Control at Jilin University.


  John Doyle is the Jean-Lou Chameau Professor of Control and Dynamical Systems, Electrical Engineer, and Bio-Engineering at Caltech (BS&MS EE, MIT (1977), PhD, Math, UC Berkeley (1984)). Research is on mathematical foundations for complex networks with applications in biology, technology, medicine, ecology, and neuroscience. Paper prizes include IEEE Baker and Automatic Control Transactions (twice), ACM Sigcomm, AACC American Control Conference. Individual awards include IEEE Power Hickernell, AACC Eckman, UCB Friedman, IEEE Centennial Outstanding Young Engineer, and IEEE Control Systems Field Award. Best known for fabulous friends, colleagues, and students, plus world and national records and championships in various sports, extremely fragile.


  Qingquan Qian was born in Danyang city, Jiangsu province. He is an academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering (CAE), winner of "Wu Yi" Labor Medal and the National Outstanding Scientific and Technological Award. He serves as director of the National Rail Electrification and Automation Engineering Technology Research Center (NEEC), deputy director of Technical Committee of the National Laboratory for Rail Transit, deputy director of Technical Committee of the National High-Speed Rail System Test and Director of the Shenzhen Base of the Chinese Academy of Engineering.

  Qingquan Qian is a pioneer of railway electrification and automation in China. He is founder of the research area "Railway Computer Monitoring and Integrated Automation" and has been leading the development of monitoring of railway electrification systems in China. The research team led by him successful developed the Comprehensive SCADA System which is nowadays widely adopted in high-speed railway and urban rail transport systems.

  He has made major contribution to cooperation among the academia, industrial society and the government. He took part in the development of China's high-speed railway construction and has been a leading technical expert of program demonstration, evaluation and implementation. He is also one of the initiators as well as technical leaders of low-speed magnetic levitation trains in China. Outcomes of this activity are currently adopted by the Beijing Urban Railway No.S1 as well as Line 8 of the Shenzhen Metro.


  John S. Baras gained a diploma in Electrical and Mechanical Engineering from the National Technical University of Athens, Greece, 1970; M.S., Ph.D. in Applied Mathematics from Harvard University 1971, 1973. Since 1973, he is a faculty member in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department, and in the Applied Mathematics, Statistics and Scientific Computation Program, at the University of Maryland College Park. Since 2000, he is faculty member in the Fischell Department of Bioengineering. Since 2014, he is a faculty member in the Mechanical Engineering Department. He was a Founding Director of the Institute for Systems Research (ISR), 1985 to 1991. Since 1991, he is a Founding Director of the Maryland Center for Hybrid Networks (HYNET). Since 2013, he is a Guest Professor at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), Sweden. he is a IEEE Life Fellow, SIAM Fellow, AAAS Fellow, and a Foreign Member of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences (IVA). Received the 1980 George Axelby Award from the IEEE Control Systems Society, the 2006 Leonard Abraham Prize from the IEEE Communications Society, the 2014 Tage Erlander Guest Professorship from the Swedish Research Council, and a three year (2014-2017) Senior Hans Fischer Fellowship from the Institute for Advanced Study of the Technical University of Munich, Germany. Professor Baras' research interests include systems and control, optimization, communication networks, signal processing and understanding, robotics, computing systems and networks, network security and trust and model-based systems engineering.


  Bo Wahlberg received the M.Sc. degree in Electrical Engineering in 1983 and the Ph.D. degree in 1987 from Linköping University, Sweden. He was a post-doc at University of Newcastle, Australia, in 1988. In December 1991, he became Professor of the Chair of Automatic Control at KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden. He was a visiting professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering, Stanford University, USA, August 1997 - July 1998 and August 2009 -June 2010, and vice president of KTH 1999 - 2001. He is a Fellow of the IEEE for his contributions to system identification using orthonormal basis functions.

  Bo Wahlberg is a co-founder of Centre of Autonomous Systems and the Linnaeus Center ACCESS on networked systems at KTH. He is the KTH director and PI for the Wallenberg Autonomous Systems Program (WASP), that recently was granted over 200 million USD over ten years for research into autonomous systems and software development. His research interests include system identification, modeling and control of industrial processes, and statistical signal processing with applications in smart transportation systems.


  Janan Zaytoon, born in 1962, is a professor at the University of Reims Champagne-Ardenne. He is the President of the International Federation of Automatic Control (IFAC) for the 2014-2017 triennium. Janan Zaytoon was the founding Director of the CReSTIC research centre of the University of Reims. He is the chair of the French national member organization of IFAC and the past director of the French national research network/group “GDR MACS” of CNRS, which involves 2500 researchers and engineers in the fields of automatic control and production systems. His work involves many theoretical, methodological and applied aspects of automatic control in the areas of discrete-event systems, hybrid systems, and intelligent control.

  Janan Zaytoon was the founding editor-in-chief of the Nonlinear Analysis: Hybrid Systems Journal of IFAC. He is an associate editor of Control Engineering Practice and Discrete Event Dynamic Systems. He served as chair/co-chair of 15 international conferences and 12 national conferences, and was the founder of the IFAC conference series on Analysis and Design of Hybrid Systems. He Chaired the IFAC Technical Committee on Discrete-Event and Hybrid Systems, and received the IFAC Outstanding Service Award and the Paper Prize of the Journal of Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence. He has been the Invited plenary speaker for 6 international conferences.

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