
丛 书 名:Communications and Control Engineering
书  名:Distributed Coordination of Multi-agent Networks:
     Emergent Problems, Models, and Issues
作  者:Wei Ren, Yongcan Cao
出 版 社:Springer Science & Business Media
I S B N:978-0-85729-168-4
页  数:328


  Distributed Coordination of Multi-agent Networks introduces problems, models, and issues such as collective periodic motion coordination, collective tracking with a dynamic leader, and containment control with multiple leaders, and explores ideas for their solution. Solving these problems extends the existing application domains of multi-agent networks; for example, collective periodic motion coordination is appropriate for applications involving repetitive movements, collective tracking guarantees tracking of a dynamic leader by multiple followers in the presence of reduced interaction and partial measurements, and containment control enables maneuvering of multiple followers by multiple leaders.


Part I Preliminaries and Literature Review
1 Preliminaries
  1.1 Notations
  1.2 Algebraic Graph Theory Background
  1.3 Algebra and Matrix Theory Background
  1.4 Linear and Nonlinear System Theory Background
  1.5 Nonsmooth Analysis Background
  1.6 Time-delay System Theory Background
  1.7 Notes
2 Overview of Recent Research in Distributed Multi-agent Coordination
  2.1 Introduction
  2.2 Consensus
    2.2.1 Delay Effect
    2.2.2 Convergence Speed
    2.2.3 Stochastic Setting
    2.2.4 Complex Systems
    2.2.5 Quantization
    2.2.6 Sampled-data Setting
    2.2.7 Finite-time Convergence
    2.2.8 Asynchronous Effect
  2.3 Distributed Formation Control
    2.3.1 Formation Producing
    2.3.2 Formation Tracking
    2.3.3 Connectivity Maintenance
    2.3.4 Controllability
  2.4 Distributed Optimization
    2.4.1 Individual Cost Functions
    2.4.2 Global Cost Functions
  2.5 Distributed Task Assignment
    2.5.1 Coverage Control
    2.5.2 Scheduling
    2.5.3 Surveillance
  2.6 Distributed Estimation and Control
  2.7 Intelligent Coordination
    2.7.1 Pursuer–invader Problem
    2.7.2 Game Theory
  2.8 Discussion
  2.9 Notes
Part II Emergent Problems in Distributed Multi-agent Coordination
3 Collective Periodic Motion Coordination
  3.1 Cartesian Coordinate Coupling
    3.1.1 Single-integrator Dynamics
    3.1.2 Double-integrator Dynamics
    3.1.3 Simulation
  3.2 Coupled Harmonic Oscillators
    3.2.1 Problem Statement
    3.2.2 Convergence Under Directed Fixed Interaction
    3.2.3 Convergence Under Directed Switching Interaction
    3.2.4 Application to Motion Coordination in Multi-agent Systems
  3.3 Notes
4 Collective Tracking with a Dynamic Leader
  4.1 Problem Statement
  4.2 Collective Tracking for Single-integrator Dynamics
    4.2.1 Coordinated Tracking Under Fixed and Switching Interaction
    4.2.2 Swarm Tracking Under Switching Interaction
  4.3 Collective Tracking for Double-integrator Dynamics
    4.3.1 Coordinated Tracking when the Leader's Velocity is Varying
    4.3.2 Coordinated Tracking when the Leader's Velocity is Constant
    4.3.3 Swarm Tracking when the Leader's Velocity is Constant
    4.3.4 Swarm Tracking when the Leader's Velocity is Varying
  4.4 Simulation
  4.5 Notes
5 Containment Control with Multiple Leaders
  5.1 Problem Statement
  5.2 Stability Analysis for Multiple Stationary Leaders
    5.2.1 Directed Fixed Interaction
    5.2.2 Directed Switching Interaction
    5.2.3 Simulation
  5.3 Stability Analysis for Multiple Dynamic Leaders
    5.3.1 Directed Fixed Interaction
    5.3.2 Directed Switching Interaction
    5.3.3 Simulation
  5.4 Containment Control with Swarming Behavior
    5.4.1 Algorithm Design
    5.4.2 Analysis for Multiple Stationary Leaders
    5.4.3 Analysis for Multiple Dynamic Leaders
    5.4.4 Simulation
  5.5 Notes
Part III Emergent Models in Distributed Multi-agent Coordination
6 Networked Lagrangian Systems
  6.1 Problem Statement
  6.2 Distributed Leaderless Coordination for Networked Lagrangian Systems
    6.2.1 Fundamental Algorithm
    6.2.2 Nonlinear Algorithm
    6.2.3 Algorithm Accounting for Unavailability of Measurements of Generalized Coordinate Derivatives
    6.2.4 Simulation
  6.3 Distributed Coordinated Regulation and Tracking for Networked Lagrangian Systems
    6.3.1 Coordinated Regulation when the Leader's Vector of Generalized Coordinates is Constant
    6.3.2 Coordinated Tracking when the Leader's Vector of Generalized Coordinate Derivatives is
    6.3.3 Coordinated Tracking when the Leader's Vector of Generalized Coordinate Derivatives is Varying
    6.3.4 Simulation
  6.4 Notes
7 Networked Fractional-order Systems
  7.1 Problem Statement
  7.2 Stability Analysis of a Coordination Algorithm for Networked Fractional-order Systems
    7.2.1 Directed Fixed Interaction
    7.2.2 Directed Switching Interaction
    7.2.3 Simulation
  7.3 Stability Analysis of Fractional-order Coordination Algorithms with Absolute/Relative Damping for
    Networked Fractional-order Systems
    7.3.1 Absolute Damping
    7.3.2 Relative Damping
    7.3.3 Simulation
  7.4 Notes
Part IV Emergent Issues in Distributed Multi-agent Coordination
8 Sampled-data Setting
  8.1 Sampled-data Coordinated Tracking for Single-integrator Dynamics
    8.1.1 Algorithm Design
    8.1.2 Convergence Analysis of the Proportional-derivative-like Discrete-time Coordinated Tracking
    8.1.3 Comparison Between the Proportional-like and Proportional-derivative-like Discrete-time
    Coordinated Tracking Algorithms
    8.1.4 Simulation
  8.2 Sampled-data Coordination for Double-integrator Dynamics Under Fixed Interaction
    8.2.1 Coordination Algorithms with Absolute and Relative Damping
    8.2.2 Convergence Analysis of the Sampled-data Coordination Algorithm with Absolute Damping
    8.2.3 Convergence Analysis of the Sampled-data Coordination Algorithm with Relative Damping
    8.2.4 Simulation
  8.3 Sampled-data Coordination for Double-integrator Dynamics Under Switching Interaction
    8.3.1 Convergence Analysis of the Sampled-data Coordination Algorithm with Absolute Damping
    8.3.2 Convergence Analysis of the Sampled-data Coordination Algorithm with Relative Damping
    8.3.3 Simulation
  8.4 Notes
9 Optimality Aspect
  9.1 Problem Statement
  9.2 Optimal Linear Coordination Algorithms in a Continuous-time Setting from a Linear Quadratic
    Regulator Perspective
    9.2.1 Optimal State Feedback Gain Matrix Using the Interaction-free Cost Function
    9.2.2 Optimal Scaling Factor Using the Interaction-related Cost Function
    9.2.3 Illustrative Examples
  9.3 Optimal Linear Coordination Algorithms in a Discrete-time Setting from a Linear Quadratic
     Regulator Perspective
    9.3.1 Optimal State Feedback Gain Matrix Using the Interaction-free Cost Function
    9.3.2 Optimal Scaling Factor Using the Interaction-related Cost Function
    9.3.3 Illustrative Examples
  9.4 Notes
10 Time Delay
  10.1 Problem Statement
  10.2 Coordination for Single-integrator Dynamics with Communication and Input Delays Under Directed
    Fixed Interaction
    10.2.1 Leaderless Coordination
    10.2.2 Coordinated Regulation when the Leader's Position is Constant
    10.2.3 Coordinated Tracking with Full Access to the Leader's Velocity
    10.2.4 Coordinated Tracking with Partial Access to the Leader's Velocity
  10.3 Coordination for Double-integrator Dynamics with Communication and Input Delays Under Directed
    Fixed Interaction
    10.3.1 Leaderless Coordination
    10.3.2 Coordinated Tracking when the Leader's Velocity is Constant
    10.3.3 Coordinated Tracking with Full Access to the Leader's Acceleration
    10.3.4 Coordinated Tracking with Partial Access to the Leader's Acceleration
  10.4 Simulation 10.5 Notes

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