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  1. 欢迎申办TCCT Workshop......更多信息>>>

  2. 郭雷院士向何毓琦先生颁发陈翰馥奖获奖证书......更多信息>>>

  3. TCCT副主任段广仁、赵千川应邀出席SICE2014年会......更多信息>>>

  4. 第33届中国控制会议论文集已进入IEEE Xplore,点击此处查看会议论文。

  5. 《系统与控制纵横》征文简则......更多信息>>>

  第34届中国控制会议和日本仪器与控制工程师学会2015年会将于2015年7月28-30日在杭州联合举办。截至目前,会议大会报告人已确定,分别是浙江大学孙优贤院士、美国加州理工学院Richard M. Murray教授、意大利帕多瓦大学Maria Elena Valcher教授、美国德克萨斯A&M大学P.R.Kumar教授、日本 东京工业大学Hirofumi Akagi教授、中国空间技术研究院本经控制工程研究所解永春研究员和日本东北大学Satoshi Tadokoro教授。我们热忱欢迎海内外广大同仁踊跃投稿、参会,共同交流学术成果......更多信息>>>


英文书名:Advanced Criteria for Controlled Markov-Modulated Diffusions in an Infinite Horizon: Overtaking, Bias, and Blackwell Optimality
作  者:Héctor Jasso-Fuentes, G. George Yin

 控制学人——CCC&SICE 2015 Plenary Speakers

  Youxian Sun is a Professor at Zhejiang University since 1988. Currently, he is Director of Institute of Industrial Process Control and Director of National Engineering Research Center of Industrial Automation. For his distinguished contributions to automatic control technology and industrial automation, he was elected as Member of Chinese Academy of Engineering in 1995. Since 1995, he was awarded once the First Grade and twice the Second Grade National Prize for Progress in Science and Technology. He is a Fellow of IFAC......更多信息>>>

  Richard M. Murray is currently the Thomas E. and Doris Everhart Professor of Control & Dynamical Systems and Bioengineering at Caltech. His research is in the application of feedback and control to networked systems, with applications in biology and autonomy. Current projects include specification, design and synthesis of control protocols for networked control systems and analysis and design of biomolecular feedback systems for synthetic biology. He is a fellow of IEEE, a member of the National Academy of Engineering, USA........更多信息>>>

  Maria Elena Valcher is Full Professor of Control Theory at the University of Padova. Her research interests include multidimensional systems theory, behavior theory, fault detection and observer design, Boolean control networks, switched systems and positive systems. She is the 2014 President-Elect of the IEEE CSS. She was a Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE CSS 2010-2013. She received the 2011 IEEE CSS Distinguished Member Award and she is an IEEE Fellow......更多信息>>>

  P. R. Kumar currently is at Texas A&M University, where he holds the College of Engineering Chair in Computer Engineering. His research is currently focused on energy systems, wireless networks, secure networking, automated transportation, and cyberphysical systems. He is a member of the National Academy of Engineering of the USA, and a Fellow of The World Academy of Sciences. He was awarded an honorary doctorate by the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich. He is an ACM Fellow and a Fellow of IEEE......更多信息>>>

  Hirofumi Akagi is currently Full Professor in the department of electrical and electronic engineering at the Tokyo Institute of Technology. His research interests include power conversion systems and their applications to industry, transportation, and utility. Dr. Akagi received six IEEE Transactions Prize Paper Awards. He is the recipient of the 2008 IEEE Richard H. Kaufmann Technical Field Award, the 2012 IEEE Power & Energy Society Nari Hingorani Custom Power Award, and the 2014 EPE Outstanding Service Award. He was elected as an IEEE Fellow in 1996 .......更多信息>>>

  Yongchun Xie is currently Vice Director of science and technology committee of Beijing Institute of Control Engineering and senior chief researcher of China Academy of Space Technology. She has long been engaged in the study of characteristic model based adaptive control method. She has won two ministerial First Prize of Science and Technology Progress. In 2011 and 2012 she was named as "the Prominent Contributor for China Manned Space Engineering ", "2011 Annual Figure in Chinese Automation Field" and "2011 China Economic Annual Woman"......更多信息>>>

  Satoshi Tadokoro has been a professor of Graduate School of Information Sciences (GSIS), Tohoku University since 2005. He was a project leader of MEXT DDT Project on rescue robotics in 2002-2007, and NEDO Project that developed a rescue robot Quince which is being used at the Fukushima-Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant Accident since June 2011. He is President of International Rescue System Institute, and IEEE RAS Vice President for Technical Activities in 2012-2014, and he will be IEEE RAS President in 2016-2017. He received IEEE Fellow in 2009........更多信息>>>

  作为系统辨识领域三年一度的国际盛会,the 17th IFAC Symposium on System Identification (SYSID2015) 将于2015年10月19-21日在北京国际会议中心举行。该会论文集属EI索引。现会论文投稿工作已经开始,截止日期为2015年1月15日........更多信息>>>
  The 10th Asian Control Conference (ASCC2015) will be held in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia on May 31 to June 3, 2015. The deadline for submission of Regular Papers is November 15, 2014. The proceedings of the conference will be indexed by EI........更多信息>>>
 编 委 会 
曹洪武 陈 杰 董海荣
段广仁 姜钟平 李少远
卢 焱 齐洪胜 任艳青
宋 扉 武宁哲 徐 春
张纪峰 赵延龙  

SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences
2014年 第10期 目录>>>

SCIENCE CHINA Information Sciences
2014年 第11期 目录>>>

2014年 第9期 目录>>>

2014年第8期 目录>>>
2014年第9期 目录>>>

Control Theory and Technology
2014年第3期 目录>>>

2014年第9期 目录>>>
2014年第10期 目录>>>


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