英文书名:Analysis and Control of Boolean Networks
作    者:Daizhan Cheng, Hongsheng Qi, Zhiqiang Li
出 版 社:Springer
语  种:英文
I S B N:9780857290960 
页    数:480







1   Propositional Logic
  1.1 Statements
  1.2 Implication and Equivalence
  1.3 Adequate Sets of Connectives
  1.4 Normal Form
  1.5 Multi-valued Logic
2   Semi-tensor Product of Matrices
  2.1 Multiple-Dimensional Data
  2.2 Semi-tensor Product of Matrices
  2.3 Swap Matrix
  2.4 Properties of the Semi-tensor Product
  2.5 General Semi-tensor Product
3   Matrix Expression of Logic
  3.1 Structure Matrix of a Logical Operator
  3.2 Structure Matrix for k-valued Logic
  3.3 Logical Matrices
4   Logical Equations
  4.1 Solution of a Logical Equation
  4.2 Equivalent Algebraic Equations
  4.3 Logical Inference
  4.4 Substitution
  4.5 k-valued Logical Equations
  4.6 Failure Location: An Application
    4.6.1 Matrix Expression of Route Logic
    4.6.2 Failure Location
    4.6.3 Cascading Inference
5   Topological Structure of a Boolean Network
  5.1 Introduction to Boolean Networks
  5.2 Dynamics of Boolean Networks
  5.3 Fixed Points and Cycles
  5.4 Some Classical Examples
  5.5 Serial Boolean Networks
  5.6 Higher Order Boolean Networks
    5.6.1 First Algebraic Form of Higher Order Boolean Networks
    5.6.2 Second Algebraic Form of Higher Order Boolean Networks
6   Input-State Approach to Boolean Control Networks
  6.1 Boolean Control Networks
  6.2 Semi-tensor Product Vector Space vs. Semi-tensor Product Space
  6.3 Cycles in Input-State Space
  6.4 Cascaded Boolean Networks
  6.5 Two Illustrative Examples
7   Model Construction via Observed Data
  7.1 Reconstructing Networks
  7.2 Model Construction for General Networks
  7.3 Construction with Known Network Graph
  7.4 Least In-degree Model
  7.5 Construction of Uniform Boolean Network
  7.6 Modeling via Data with Errors
8   State Space and Subspaces
  8.1 State Spaces of Boolean Networks
  8.2 Coordinate Transformation
  8.3 Regular Subspaces
  8.4 Invariant Subspaces
  8.5 Indistinct Rolling Gear Structure
9   Controllability and Observability of Boolean Control Networks
  9.1 Control via Input Boolean Network
  9.2 Subnetworks
  9.3 Controllability via Free Boolean Sequence
  9.4 Observability
10   Realization of Boolean Control Networks
  10.1 What Is a Realization?
  10.2 Controllable Normal Form
  10.3 Observable Normal Form
  10.4 Kalman Decomposition
  10.5 Realization
11   Stability and Stabilization
  11.1 Boolean Matrices
  11.2 Global Stability
  11.3 Stabilization of Boolean Control Networks
12   Disturbance Decoupling
  12.1 Problem Formulation
  12.2 Y -friendly Subspace
  12.3 Control Design
  12.4 Canalizing Boolean Mapping
  12.5 Solving DDPs via Constant Controls
13   Feedback Decomposition of Boolean Control Networks
  13.1 Decomposition of Control Systems
  13.2 The Cascading State-space Decomposition Problem
  13.3 Comparable Regular Subspaces
  13.4 The Parallel State-space Decomposition Problem
  13.5 Input–Output Decomposition
14   k-valued Networks
  14.1 A Review of k-valued Logic
  14.2 Dynamics of k-valued Networks
  14.3 State Space and Coordinate Transformations
  14.4 Cycles and Transient Period
  14.5 Network Reconstruction
  14.6 k-valued Control Networks
  14.7 Mix-valued Logic
15   Optimal Control
  15.1 Input-State Transfer Graphs
  15.2 Topological Structure of Logical Control Networks
  15.3 Optimal Control of Logical Control Networks
  15.4 Optimal Control of Higher-Order Logical Control Networks
16   Input-State Incidence Matrices
  16.1 The Input-State Incidence Matrix
  16.2 Controllability
  16.3 Trajectory Tracking and Control Design
  16.4 Observability
  16.5 Fixed Points and Cycles
  16.6 Mix-valued Logical Systems
17   Identification of Boolean Control Networks
  17.1 What Is Identification?
  17.2 Identification via Input-State Data
  17.3 Identification via Input–Output Data
  17.4 Numerical Solutions
    17.4.1 General Algorithm
    17.4.2 Numerical Solution Based on Network Graph
    17.4.3 Identification of Higher-Order Systems
  17.5 Approximate Identification
18   Applications to Game Theory
  18.1 Strategies with Finite Memory
  18.2 Cycle Strategy
  18.3 Compounded Games
  18.4 Sub-Nash Solution for Zero-Memory Strategies
  18.5 Nash Equilibrium for μ-Memory Strategies
  18.6 Common Nash (Sub-Nash) Solutions for μ-Memory Strategies
19   Random Boolean Networks
  19.1 Markov Chains
  19.2 Vector Form of Random Boolean Variables
  19.3 Matrix Expression of a Random Boolean Network
  19.4 Some Topological Properties
Appendix A   Numerical Algorithms
  A.1 Computation of Logical Matrices
  A.2 Basic Functions
  A.3 Some Examples
Appendix B Proofs of Some Theorems Concerning the Semi-tensor Product

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