书    名:Optimal State Estimation,
          Kalman, H, and Nonlinear Approaches
作    者:Dan Simon
出 版 社:Wiley
定    价:$128.95
I S B  N:978-0-471-70858-2
页    数:552页


    Dan Simon博士是克利夫兰州立大学的副教授。在此之前,他曾在Boeing, TRW等公司工作过14年。




  • 以简单的、自下而上的方法从基本概念讲起,然后一步步生成并使读者清楚地了解状态估计的更高级主题; 
  • 用简单的例子和问题使读者只需笔和纸就可了解理论在实践中是如何应用的; 
  • 与书中例子对应的基于MATLAB(r)的源代码可在作者的网站上找到,读者可以对其重新创建结果,并可重新设置参数模拟    试验。

        有了坚实的基础以后,读者可进一步考虑其它的问题,包括U-滤波、高阶非线性滤波、粒子滤波、约束状态估计、降阶滤波、鲁棒卡尔曼滤波, 以及混合卡尔曼/H滤波等。



    List of algorithms
    1 Linear systems theory
    1.1 Matrix algebra and matrix calculus
        1.1.1 Matrix algebra
        1.1.2 The matrix inversion lemma
        1.1.3 Matrix calculus
        1.1.4 The history of matrices
    1.2 Linear systems
    1.3 Nonlinear systems
    1.4 Discretization
    1.5 Simulation
        1.5.1 Rectangular integration
        1.5.2 Trapezoidal integration
        1.5.3 Runge-Kutta integration
    1.6 Stability
        1.6.1 Continuous-time systems
        1.6.2 Discrete-time systems
    1.7 Controllability and observability
        1.7.1 Controllability
        1.7.2 Observability
        1.7.3 Stabilizability and detectability
    1.8 Summary
    2 Probability theory
    2.1 Probability
    2.2 Random variables
    2.3 Transformations of random variables
    2.4 Multiple random variables
        2.4.1 Statistical independence
        2.4.2 Multivariate statistics
    2.5 Stochastic Processes
    2.6 White noise and colored noise
    2.7 Simulating correlated noise
    2.8 Summary
    3 Least squares estimation
    3.1 Estimation of a constant
    3.2 Weighted least squares estimation
    3.3 Recursive least squares estimation
        3.3.1 Alternate estimator forms
        3.3.2 Curve fitting
    3.4 Wiener filtering
        3.4.1 Parametric filter optimization
        3.4.2 General filter optimization
        3.4.3 Noncausal filter optimization
        3.4.4 Causal filter optimization
        3.4.5 Comparison
    3.5 Summary
    4 Propagation of states and covariances
    4.1 Discrete-time systems
    4.2 Sampled-data systems
    4.3 Continuous-time systems
    4.4 Summary
    5 The discrete-time Kalman filter
    5.1 Derivation of the discrete-time Kalman filter
    5.2 Kalman filter properties
    5.3 One-step Kalman filter equations
    5.4 Alternate propagation of covariance
        5.4.1 Multiple state systems
        5.4.2 Scalar systems
    5.5 Divergence issues
    5.6 Summary
    6 Alternate Kalman filter formulations
    6.1 Sequential Kalman filtering
    6.2 Information filtering
    6.3 Square root filtering
        6.3.1 Condition number
        6.3.2 The square root time-update equation
        6.3.3 Potter's square root measurement-update equation
        6.3.4 Square root measurement update via triangularization
        6.3.5 Algorithms for orthogonal transformations
    6.4 U-D filtering
        6.4.1 U-D filtering: The measurement-update equation
        6.4.2 U-D filtering: The time-update equation
    6.5 Summary
    7 Kalman filter generalizations
    7.1 Correlated process and measurement noise
    7.2 Colored process and measurement noise
        7.2.1 Colored process noise
        7.2.2 Colored measurement noise: State augmentation
        7.2.3 Colored measurement noise: Measurement differencing
    7.3 Steady-state filtering
        7.3.1 a-β filtering
        7.3.2 a-β-γ filtering
        7.3.3 A Hamiltonian approach to steady-state filtering
    7.4 Kalman filtering with fading memory
    7.5 Constrained Kalman filtering
        7.5.1 Model reduction
        7.5.2 Perfect measurements
        7.5.3 Projection approaches
        7.5.4 A pdf truncation approach
    7.6 Summary
    8 The continuous-time Kalman filter
    8.1 Discrete-time and continuous-time white noise
        8.1.1 Process noise
        8.1.2 Measurement noise
        8.1.3 Discretized simulation of noisy continuous-time systems
    8.2 Derivation of the continuous-time Kalman filter
    8.3 Alternate solutions to the Riccati equation
        8.3.1 The transition matrix approach
        8.3.2 The Chandrasekhar algorithm
        8.3.3 The square root filter
    8.4 Generalizations of the continuous-time filter
        8.4.1 Correlated process and measurement noise
        8.4.2 Colored measurement noise
    8.5 The steady-state continuous-time Kalman filter
        8.5.1 The algebraic Riccati equation
        8.5.2 The Wiener filter is a Kalman filter
        8.5.3 Duality
    8.6 Summary
    9 Optimal smoothing
    9.1 An alternate form for the Kalman filter
    9.2 Fixed-point smoothing
        9.2.1 Estimation improvement due to smoothing
        9.2.2 Smoothing constant states
    9.3 Fixed-lag smoothing
    9.4 Fixed-interval smoothing
        9.4.1 Forward-backward smoothing
        9.4.2 RTS smoothing
    9.5 Summary
    10 Additional topics in Kalman filtering
    10.1 Verifying Kalman filter performance
    10.2 Multiple-model estimation
    10.3 Reduced-order Kalman filtering
        10.3.1 Anderson's approach to reduced-order filtering
        10.3.2 The reduced-order Schmidt-Kalman filter
    10.4 Robust Kalman filtering
    10.5 Delayed measurements and synchronization errors
        10.5.1 A statistical derivation of the Kalman filter
        10.5.2 Kalman filtering with delayed measurements
    10.6 Summary
    11 The H filter
    11.1 Introduction
        11.1.1 An alternate form for the Kalman filter
        11.1.2 Kalman filter limitations
    11.2 Constrained optimization
        11.2.1 Static constrained optimization
        11.2.2 Inequality constraints
        11.2.3 Dynamic constrained optimization
    11.3 A game theory approach to H filtering
        11.3.1 Stationarity with respect to x0 and wk
        11.3.2 Stationarity with respect to and y
        11.3.3 A comparison of the Kalman and H filters
        11.3.4 Steady-state H filtering
        11.3.5 The transfer function bound of the H filter
    11.4 The continuous-time H filter
    11.5 Transfer function approaches
    11.6 Summary
    12 Additional topics in H filtering
    12.1 Mixed Kalman/H filtering
    12.2 Robust Kalman/H filtering
    12.3 Constrained H filtering
    12.4 Summary
    13 Nonlinear Kalman filtering
    13.1 The linearized Kalman filter
    13.2 The extended Kalman filter
        13.2.1 The continuous-time extended Kalman filter
        13.2.2 The hybrid extended Kalman filter
        13.2.3 The discrete-time extended Kalman filter
    13.3 Higher-order approaches
        13.3.1 The iterated extended Kalman filter
        13.3.2 The second-order extended Kalman filter
        13.3.3 Other approaches
    13.4 Parameter estimation
    13.5 Summary
    14 The unscented Kalman filter
    14.1 Means and covariances of nonlinear transformations
        14.1.1 The mean of a nonlinear transformation
        14.1.2 The covariance of a nonlinear transformation
    14.2 Unscented transformations
        14.2.1 Mean approximation
        14.2.2 Covariance approximation
    14.3 Unscented Kalman filtering
    14.4 Other unscented transformations
        14.4.1 General unscented transformations
        14.4.2 The simplex unscented transformation
        14.4.3 The spherical unscented transformation
    14.5 Summary
    15 The particle filter
    15.1 Bayesian state estimation
    15.2 Particle filtering
    15.3 Implementation issues
        15.3.1 Sample impoverishment
        15.3.2 Particle filtering combined with other filters
    15.4 Summary
    Appendix A: Historical perspectives
    Appendix B: Other books on Kalman filtering
    Appendix C: State estimation and the meaning of life

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