丛 书 名:国际知名大学原版教材—信息技术学科与电气工程学科系列
英文书名:System Identification: Theory for the User,
      Second Edition
作    者:Lennart Ljung
出 版 社:清华大学出版社
定    价:50.00元
语    种:英文
页    数:613页


   Lennart Ljung教授,现任瑞典皇家工程科学院院土、瑞典皇家科学院院士、IFAC顾问、IEEE Fellow及多家国际刊物编委等职,在国际上拥有很高的学术地位。Lennart Ljung教授在系统辨识领域的贡献是世界公认的,可以说他及他所领导的“控制小组”在辨识方面所做的工作代表着系统辨识学科的前沿,尤其在辨识模型和辨识方法的一般性框架、快速辨识算法、辨识收敛性分析、可辨识性理论及闭环系统辨识等方面所做的贡献都是具有前瞻性和开创性的。




1 Introduction
  1.1 Dynamic Systems
  1.2 Models
  1.3 An Archetypical Problem—ARX Models and the Linear Least Squares Method
  1.4 The System Identification Procedure
  1.5 Organization of the Book
  1.6 Bibliography

Part i: systems and models
2 Time-Invariant Linear Systems
  2.1 Impulse Responses, Disturbances, and Transfer Functions
  2.2 Frequency-Domain Expressions
  2.3 Signal Spectra
  2.4 Single Realization Behavior and Ergodicity Results (*)
  2.5 Multivariable Systems (*)
  2.6 Summary
  2.7 Bibliography
  2.8 Problems
  Appendix 2A: Proof of Theorem 2.2
  Appendix 2B: Proof of Theorem 2.3
  Appendix 2C: Covariance Formulas
3 Simulation and Prediction
  3.1 Simulation
  3.2 Prediction
  3.3 Observers
  3.4 Summary
  3.5 Bibliography
  3.6 Problems
4 Models of Linear Time-Invariant Systems
  4.1 Linear Models and Sets of Linear Models
  4.2 A Family of Transfer-Function Models
  4.3 State-Space Models
  4.4 Distributed Parameter Models (*)
  4.5 Model Sets, Model Structures, and Identifiability: Some Formal Aspects(*)
  4.6 Identifiability of Some Model Structures
  4.7 Summary
  4.8 Bibliography
  4.9 Problems
  Appendix 4A: Identifiability of Black-Box Multivariable Model Structures
5 Models for Time-Varying and Nonlinear Systems
  5.1 Linear Time-Varying Models
  5.2 Models with Nonlinearities
  5.3 Nonlinear State-Space Models
  5.4 Nonlinear Black-Box Models: Basic Principles
  5.5 Nonlinear Black-Box Models: Neural Networks, Wavelets and Classical Models
  5.6 Fuzzy Models
  5.7 Formal Characterization of Models (*)
  5.8 Summary
  5.9 Bibliography
  5.10 Problems

Part ii: methods
6 Nonparametric Time-and Frequency-Domain Methods
  6.1 Transient-Response Analysis and Correlation Analysis
  6.2 Frequency-Response Analysis
  6.3 Fourier Analysis
  6.4 Spectral Analysis
  6.5 Estimating the Disturbance Spectrum (*)
  6.6 Summary
  6.7 Bibliography
  6.8 Problems
  Appendix 6A: Derivation of the Asymptotic Properties of the Spectral Analysis Estimate
7 Parameter Estimation Methods
  7.1 Guiding Principles Behind Parameter Estimation Methods
  7.2 Minimizing Prediction Errors
  7.3 Linear Regressions and the Least-Squares Method
  7.4 A Statistical Framework for Parameter Estimation and the Maximum Likelihood Method
  7.5 Correlating Prediction Errors with Past Data
  7.6 Instrumental-Variable Methods
  7.7 Using Frequency Domain Data to Fit Linear Models (*)
  7.8 Summary
  7.9 Bibliography
  7.10 Problems
  Appendix 7A: Proof of the Cramer-Rao Inequality
8 Convergence and Consistency
  8.1 Introduction
  8.2 Conditions on the Data Set
  8.3 Prediction-Error Approach
  8.4 Consistency and Identifiability
  8.5 Linear Time-Invariant Models: A Frequency-Domain Description of the Limit Model
  8.6 The Correlation Approach
  8.7 Summary
  8.8 Bibliography
  8.9 Problems
9 Asymptotic Distribution of Parameter Estimates
  9.1 Introduction
  9.2 The Prediction-Error Approach: Basic Theorem
  9.3 Expressions for the Asymptotic Variance
  9.4 Frequency-Domain Expressions for the Asymptotic Variance
  9.5 The Correlation Approach
  9.6 Use and Relevance of Asymptotic Variance Expressions
  9.7 Summary
  9.8 Bibliography
  9.9 Problems
  Appendix 9A: Proof of Theorem 9.1
  Appendix 9A: The Asymptotic Parameter Variance
10 Computing the Estimate
  10.1 Linear Regressions and Beast Squares
  10.2 Numerical Solution by Iterative Search Methods
  10.3 Computing Gradients
  10.4 Two-Stage and Multistage Methods
  10.5 Local Solutions and Initial Values
  10.6 Subspace Methods for Estimating State Space Models
  10.7 Summary
  10.8 Bibliography
  10.9 Problems
11 Recursive Estimation Methods
  11.1 Introduction
  11.2 The Recursive Least-Squares Algorithm
  11.3 The Recursive IV Method
  1l.4 Recursive Prediction-Error Methods
  11.5 Recursive Pseudolinear Regressions
  11.6 The Choice of Updating Step
  11.7 Implementation
  11.8 Summary
  11.9 Bibliography
  11.10 Problems
  Appendix 11A: Techniques for Asymptotic Analysis of Recursive Algorithms
Part iii: user's choices
12 Options and Objectives
  12.1 Options
  12.2 Objectives
  12.3 Bias and Variance
  12.4 Summary
  12.5 Bibliography
  12.6 Problems
13 Experiment Design
  13.1 Some General Considerations
  13.2 Informative Experiments
  13.3 Input Design for Open Loop Experiments
  13.4 Identification in Closed Loop: Identifiability
  13.5 Approaches to Closed Loop Identification
  13.6 Optimal Experiment Design for High-Order Black-Box Models
  13.7 Choice of Sampling Interval and Presampling Filters
  13.8 Summary
  13.9 Bibliography
  13.10 Problems
14 Preprocessing Data
  14.1 Drifts and Detrending
  14.2 Outliers and Missing Data
  14.3 Selecting Segments of Data and Merging Experiments
  14.4 Prefiltering
  14.5 Formal Design of Prefiltering and Input Properties
  14.6 Summary
  14.7 Bibliography
  14.8 Problems
15 Choice of Identification Criterion
  15.1 General Aspects
  15.2 Choice of Norm: Robustness
  15.3 Variance-Optimal Instruments
  15.4 Summary
  15.5 Bibliography
  15.6 Problems
16 Model Structure Selection and Model Validation
  16.1 General Aspects of the Choice of Model Structure
  16.2 A Priori Considerations
  16.3 Model Structure Selection Based on Preliminary Data Analysis
  16.4 Comparing Model Structures
  16.5 Model Validation
  16.6 Residual Analysis
  16.7 Summary
  16.8 Bibliography
  16.9 Problems
17 System Identification in Practice
  17.1 The Tool: Interactive Software
  17.2 The Practical Side of System Identification
  17.3 Some Applications
  17.4 What Does System Identification Have to Offer?

Appendix I some concepts from probability theory
Appendix II some statistical techniques for linear regressions
  ii.1 Linear Regressions and the Least Squares Estimate
  ii.2 Statistical Properties of the Least-Squares Estimate
  ii.3 Some Further Topics in Least-Squares Estimation
  ii.4 Problems
Subject Index
Reference Index

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