书    名:Identification and Stochastic Adaptive Control
作    者:Han-Fu Chen, Lei Guo
出 版 社:Birkhäuser Boston
语  种:英文
I S B N:0-8176-3597-1 
页    数:435





1 Probability Theory Preliminaries
  1.1 Random Variable
  1.2 Expectation
  1.3 Conditional Expectation
  1.4 Independence, Characteristic Functions
  1.5 Random Processes
  1.6 Stochastic Integral
  1.7 Stochastic Differential Equations
2 Limit Theorems on Martingales
  2.1 Martingale Convergence Theorems
  2.2 Local Convergence Theorem
  2.3 Estimation for Weighted Sums of a Martingale Difference Sequence
  2.4 Estimation for Double Array Martingales
3 Filtering and Control for Linear Systems
  3.1 Controllability and Observability
  3.2 Kalman Filtering for Systems with Random Coefficients
  3.3 Discrete-Time Riccati Equations
  3.4 Optimal Control for Quadratic Cost
  3.5 Optimal Tracking
  3.6 Model Reference Control
  3.7 Control for CARIMA Models
4 Coefficient Estimation for ARMAX Models
  4.1 Estimation Algorithms
  4.2 Convergence of ELS without the PE Condition
  4.3 Local Convergence of SG
  4.4 Convergence of SG Without the PE Condition
  4.5 Convergence Rate of SG
  4.6 Removing the SPR Condition By An Overparameterization Technique
  4.7 Removing the SPR Condition By Using Increasing Lag Least Squares
5 Stochastic Adaptive Tracking
  5.1 SG-Based Adaptive Tracker With d =1
  5.2 SG-Based Adaptive Tracking With d≥1
  5.3 Stability and Optimality of Åström-Wittenmark Self-Tuning
  5.4 Stability and Optimality of ELS-Based Adaptive Trackers
  5.5 Model Reference Adaptive Control
6 Coefficient Estimation in Adaptive Control Systems
  6.1 Necessity of Excitation for Consistency of Estimations
  6.2 Reference Signal With Decaying Richness
  6.3 Diminishingly Excited Control
7 Order Estimation
  7.1 Order Estimation by Use of a Priori Information
  7.2 Order Estimation by not Using Upper Bounds for Orders
  7.3 Time-Delay Estimation
  7.4 Connections of CIC and BIC
8 Optimal Adaptive Control with Consistent Parameter Estimate
  8.1 Simultaneously Gaining Optimality and Consistency in Tracking Systems
  8.2 Adaptive Control for Quadratic Cost
  8.3 Connection Between Adaptive Controls for Tracking and Quadratic Cost
  8.4 Model Reference Adaptive Control With Consistent Estimate
  8.5 Adaptive Control With Unknown Orders, Time-Delay and Coefficient
9 ARX(∞) Model Approximation
  9.1 Statement of Problem
  9.2 Transfer Function Approximation
  9.3 Estimation of Noise Process
10 Estimation for Time-Varying Parameters
  10.1 Stability of Random Time-Varying Equations
  10.2 Conditional Richness Condition
  10.3 Analysis of Kalman Filtering Based Algorithms
  10.4 Analysis of LMS-Like Algorithms
11 Adaptive Control of Time-Varying Stochastic Systems
  11.1 Preliminary Results
  11.2 Systems with Random Parameters
  11.3 Systems with Deterministic Parameters
12 Continuous-Time Stochastic Systems
  12.1 The Model
  12.2 Parameter Estimation
  12.3 Adaptive Control

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