Notice of CCC07 electronic registration and return sheet
Time: June 2, 2007
From: Chinese Control Conference


Notice of CCC07 electronic registration and return sheet


        Dear colleagues and participants,
                 CCC07 electronic registration information and the return sheets are being dealt with          now. In order to be more convenient to do the registration and submit your return          sheet, we issue a statement as follows.

        Remark:  Please make sure that your return sheet is consistent with the electronic         registration information. After you successfully sending the return sheet back to CCC07         organizing committee, the modification of the corresponding electronic registration         information  will not be valid. If you have to modify the sent return sheet, please contact         CCC07 organizing committee via the following e-mail.
                         The deadline for electronic registration and return sheet:
June 30, 2007.


                                                                                                 Tech. Com. on Control Theory, CAA

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