The 26th Chinese Control Conference Final Announcement
                             Time: May 29, 2007
From: Chinese Control Conference


The 26th Chinese Control Conference Final Announcement

        The 26th Chinese Control Conference will be held on July 26-31, 2007, in Zhangjiajie, a beautiful tour site in the middle of China. The preparing work has been conducted smoothly. We sincerely appreciate our colleagues and friends world over for your support and cooperation. This is the final announcement about the conference.

1. General Information

     Conference Time:
  July 26-31, 2007
     Conference Venue:
 Best Western Premier Zhangjiajie (Hotel), Zhangjiajie city, Hunan Province.
     Registration fee: 
RMB 2200 (USD 300, Euro 220)
     Registration Time:
 July 26, 9:00 am -22:00 pm; July 27, 9:00 am -10:00 am, 2:30 pm-3:30 pm
     Registration Desk:
 Lobby, Best Western Premier Zhangjiajie
    (Remark: Out of Registration Time, please go to the Conference Administrative Office (CAO)(Within                the Hotel, CAO Room Number to be announced on site.)
      Agenda: July 27-29: Academic lectures and discussion(Final Program with detailed arrangement will                                               appear soon on website:
                       July  30-31:  Academic visits and tours

      Visa Application: If you need an invitation letter for visa application, please provide the following                                           information:
                       • Participant Name      •  Affiliation      •  Postal Address      •  Paper ID
                       •  Accompany Name (if any) and his/her relation with you.
 Send the information with your requirement to us via e-mail to or fax to 86-731- 8876677, (or 86-731-8830700). We will send the letter to you right after receiving your requirement.

2. Hotel Information

2.1 Conference Hotels
  •  Best Western Premier Zhangjiajie (5 star) ( Conference Venue.
  • Tianzi Hotel (Front Building (4 star), Back Building (3 star)) ( 10 minutes walk to         the Conference Venue.
2.2 Room Reservation
    Only the rooms pre-reserved can be assured. Please note that the principle of first come first serve will be         used for different classes of hotel rooms. After the reservation is completed, it is, in general,         unchangeable.

3. Requirements for Oral/Poster Papers

Oral paper: The time slot for each oral paper is 20 minutes (including discussion). The conference site will provide laptops and overhead projects;
Poster paper
 The conference will provide an exhibition board (width 0.9 m, height 1.5 m) for each poster paper. The              boards will be arranged in order of the paper in the final program. Tape and other materials will be              provided on site, and volunteer-assistants will give necessary help. Posters are required to be              condensed and attractive. The characters should be large enough so that they are visible from 1 meter              apart.
        •  “CCC Poster Paper Award” is continued in 26th CCC. Detailed principle for the Award can be found at               TCCT website:
        •   During your poster session, the author should stay by your poster paper to explain and discuss your              paper with visiting colleagues. The members of the Evaluation Committee of CCC Poster paper Award              will also be there to inspect poster papers. The authors, who do not poster their papers at their poster              sessions and/or do not stay by their papers will be considered as No Show.

4. Transportation:

4.1  On July 26, the conference will provide free transportation service from Zhjangjiajie Train Station/Airport         (Dayong Hehua Airport) to Best Western Premier Zhangjiajie (Conference Venue).
        Time: July 26, 7:00 am – 12:00 pm (mid-night).        Frequency: one bus/ hour.
4.2   For other time arrivers the following ways are available:
   • Step 1. Bus: Zhangjiajie Train Station/Airport (Dayong Hehua Airport) TO Zhangjiajie Bus Station;
        Step 2. Bus: Taking the route from Zhangjiajie to Wulingyuan, getting off at the stop: Best Western Premier          Zhangjiajie (RMB 10/person, one bus per 10 minutes).
   • Taxi: Train Station/Airport TO Best Western Premier Zhangjiajie (RMB 120-150)
    The distances between Zhangjiajie Train Station/Airport and Best Western Premier Zhangjiajie are about          40 kilometers and 48 kilometers, respectively.
4.3   Since in July the transportation from Changsha to Zhangjiajie is very tense, on July 26, the Organizing          Committee will help to hire a luxury Bus from Changsha Train Station to Best Western Premier          Zhangjiajie (Conference Venue). Departure time is 9:30 am, and it takes about 4 hours. The ticket is RMB          110/person. If you need this service, please indicate it on your return sheet and provide required           information in electronic registration. There will be an Organizing Committee Service Desk at the           Changsha Train Station assisting you to board.

5. Registration

    Since July is a peak tour season, to assure your hotel rooms and return tickets, please carefully do the         electronic registration on-website and fill in the return sheet.

5.1  Registration instruction: Please visit the conference registration website ( for         electronic registration. After your successful registration, please fill in the return sheet (in MS Word) and         send it back to CCC07 organizing committee via the following e-mail or fax:
    Email:         Fax: 86-731-8876677, 86-731-8830700
5.2  Deadline for electronic registration and return sheet: June 30, 2007.

6. Contacting the Organization Committee

       Contacting Persons:Liu, Ming, Phone: 86-731- 8876677 (O), 13974970079 (M)
                                               Dai, Zhaohui, Phone: 86-731-8830700 (O), 13707310396 (M)
        Fax:86-731- 8876677, or 86-731- 8830700

        E-mail:           Information service: ,

                                            Organizing Committee, the 26th Chinese Control Conference
                                                        School of Information Science and Engineering
                                                                        Central South University



1. Map of the Neighborhood of Conference Venue

2. Hotel Room Prices

     Best Western Premier Zhangjiajie: Double Room: RMB 580/ day (including breakfast of two persons)

     Tianzi Hotel: Front Building: Double Room: RMB 380/day (including Western breakfast of two persons)
                                                          Double Room: RMB 360/day(including Chinese breakfast of two persons)
                              Back Building: Double Room: RMB 240/day (including Western breakfast of two persons)
                                                              Double Room: RMB 220/day(including Chinese breakfast of two persons)
            Dates for Conference Discount Price: July 26-July 31.

3. Accompanies

3.1  You should make room reservation for your accompanies if extra-room is required.
3.2  Hotel Room Price
    After completing the electronic registration and filling in return sheet properly, your accompanies can have         the same Conference discount price as conference participants.
3.3  Meals
        Accompanies have the right to choose whether to have meals in the Conference Hotels. If you need, there         are two options:
        Buffet Coupon: RMB 75/person.meal (Banquet is excluded), in Best Western Premier Zhangjiajie.
             Round Table Dinner (10 persons for one table): RMB 30/person.meal, in Tianzi Hotel.

4. Routes for Tour

   Route 1: RMB 785/person (cable car fees of Tianzishan (double way) and Huangshi Village (double way)                        are included), RMB 610/person (the cable car fee for up to Tianzishan is included)

        July 30:

             Huanglong Cave, which include Dinghaishenzhen, Dragon Palatium, Xiangshui River and the                         Geological Gallery.
   Tianzishan Nature Reserve, which include Helong Park, Imperial Handwriting Mountain, Fairy                          Lady Spread Flower, the West Forest
            The Ten-mile Galler
          •  Yuanjiajie Nature Reserve (if the cable car route is chosen)
                    •   Drink the Ecologic Tea

        July 31:
           Golden Whip Stream, located in Zhangjiajie National Forest Park, it extends 5.7 km from north to                          south, winding across mountains and valleys. The brook is limpid through the year, with stone                          peaks standing erect on both banks.
                      Huangshi Village (also named Yellow Lion Village), the highest village in the Zhangjiajie area.                         Stone steps lead to the top, a quiet area to witness the beautiful karst formations of the local                         crags.
                      Zhang Jiajie National Forest Park.
                    •   Visit the Local special products of the Tujias and so on.

   Route 2:  RMB 200/person, July 30, July 31 and August 1
                      Ten-mile Gallery——Maoyan River Drift (half day

   Route 3:  RMB 220/persone, July 30, July 31 and August 1
                       The most exciting drift in Zhangjiajie —— Mengdongriver Drift (half day)

   Route 4:  RMB 320/person, July 30, July 31 and August 1
               Tianmenshan National Forest Park, including the longest cableway in the world.

5. Information for Transportation from Changsha to Zhangjiajie

Train Number


Departure Time


Arrival Time


Hard Berth
















 Luxury, Air-conditioned Bus

Changsha West Bus Station

One bus /hour 8:00—19:00

Zhangjiajie Bus Station

The journey takes about 4 hours


Last Remind:

       Since the conference time is in the peak tour season, to assure a successful conference we do need         your co-operation for doing the electronic registration on conference website and sending back the return         sheeting on schedule! Thank you in anticipation for your co-operation!


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