Invited speakers of Plenary Session at 26th CCC in 2007 are certain
Time: January 25, 2007
From: Chinese Control Conference


Invited speakers of Plenary Session at 26th CCC in 2007 are certain

   Invited speakers of Plenary Session are:

                  Brian D. O. Anderson ( The Australian National University , Ex-President of Australia Academy of Sciences );
                Theodore E. Djaferis ( Professor and Associate Dean of Engineering, the University of Massachusetts Amherst ,                      IEEE CSS President (2007) ); 
               Kwon, Wook Hyun ( Seoul National University, IFAC President, Vice-President of the Korea Academy of                      Engineering );
                   Tielong Shen ( Professor, Sophia University );
                   Andrew Teel ( IEEE Fellow, University of California );
                   吴家睿 (中国科学院上海生命科学研究院副院长) 

               If you want to know details, please enter Plenary Session.

                                                             Tech. Com. on Control Theory, CAA

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