Call for Papers of the 26th Chinese Control Conference
Time: June 23, 2006
From: Chinese Control Conference


Call for Papers of the 26th Chinese Control Conference

         The Chinese Control Conference (CCC) is an annual international conference organized by Tech. Com. on Control Theory, CAA. It provides a forum for scientists and engineers over the world to present their new theoretical results and techniques in the field of systems and control. The conference consists of plenary talks, panel discussions, oral and poster sessions etc. for academic exchanges. The c onference proceedings have been selected for coverage in ISI proceedings/ISTP (Index to Scientific and Technical Proceedings) since 2005 and included in the IEEE CPP (Conference Publications Program) since 2006. The 26th CCC is organized by the Central South University and will be held in Zhangjiajie, a beautiful sightseeing spot in the western part of Hunan . Taking this opportunity we sincerely welcome our colleagues worldwide to join us for this conference. Topics of interests are in the broad areas of systems and control, including but not limited to:


S1      System Theory and Control Theory
S16      Pattern Recognition
S2      Nonlinear System and Control
S17      Control Design
S3      Complexity and Complex System Theory
S18      GA and Evolutionary Computing
S4      Distributed Parameter Systems
S19      Motion Control
S5      Hybrid Systems and DEDS
S20      Intelligent Robot
S6      Large Scale Systems
S21      Distributed Control Systems
S7      Stochastic Systems
S22      Information Processing Systems
S8      Stability and Stabilization
S23      Fault Diagnosis
S9      Modeling, Identification and Signal Processing
S24      Communication Network Systems
S10    Optimal Control and Optimization
S25      CIMS and Manufacturing Systems
S11    Robust and H-infinity Control
S26      Transportation Systems
S12    Adaptive Control and Learning Control
S27      Bio & Ecological Systems
S13    Variable Structure Control
S28      Social Economy Systems
S14    Neural Networks
S29      Industrial Systems
S15    Fuzzy System and Fuzzy Control
S30      Others

     Paper Submissions

1.  All submissions (including papers, proposals of invited sessions) should be completed via  website .
2.  The CCC presents the Guan Zhao-Zhi Best Paper Prize and the Poster Award annually. Papers       submitted to CCC could be eligible to apply for the Awards. Detailed information and rules of       the awards can be found at the websites and
3. The organizers of invited sessions are requested to submit a 1000 word proposal of the invited  session      together with the abstracts of all invited papers in the proposed session. Papers in an invited session      should present a cohesive and focus on a relevant topic. Usually, an invited session consists of 6  papers.

             Important dates:

          Deadline for submission:     March 15, 2007
                  Notification of acceptance: April 15, 2007
                  Submission of camera-ready copy:   May 15, 2007

    Secretariat of Program Committee:

         Zhimin Liu, Academy of Math. and Systems Science, CAS, Beijing 100080
                   Tel/Fax +86-10-62551965, 62587343     E-mail:

     Secretariat of the Organizing Committee:

        Ming Liu and Zhaohui Dai
           School of Information Science and Engineering
           Central South University, Yuelu Mountain, Changsha, Hunan 410083, China
        Tel/Fax: +86-731-8876677, 883070 0 E-mail:

     Download Call for papers:

           Chinese Version                       English Version

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